27 February 2012

February 27, #5!

Just a quick note before I head off to bed and snag a few hours of sleep... This is the fifth February 27th that I have spent in-love with Robert Charles Wauhop.  I guess the first February 27th was more of a nervous, hopeful "like," and the second was like a "well, this is the last February 27th I'll ever care about... (apart from the fact that it's my sister's birthday)"  But number 3, 4, and 5 - completely smitten!  Truly, truly, I have the world's best husband!  I cannot thank the Lord enough for the greatest earthly blessing which is marriage to this wonderful man and the life and family that we have together!  We are "fellow heir[s] of the grace of life," 1 Peter 3:7b and God is so good!  

Sun Dried Tomato and Garlic Alfredo

So, like I previously mentioned I have been trying to cook at least one new thing a week, and this was on the menu for last week - and it is definitely a new fave! (especially for Robert!)  It's really easy and inexpensive and there were enough leftovers for Robert to take for lunch the next day!  So...

Sun Dried Tomato and Garlic Alfredo
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup roasted garlic cloves (I didn't do quite that much, i just used 3 cloves because i'm not a fan of food drenched in garlic)
  • 1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes, packed in oil, drained (they are pretty cheap at Trader Joes)
  • 4 ounce can of sliced mushrooms, drained
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 16 ounces Alfredo sauce (I used Ragu brand, but homemade or any other kind will work)
  • A box of your favorite pasta
  • 2+ chicken breasts
  • Saute tomatoes, garlic, and mushrooms in olive oil for about 3 minutes.
  • Deglaze the pan with wine, then add Alfredo sauce. Cook for another two or three minutes, stirring regularly, until sauce is heated through.
  • Serve with chicken breast (it's really nice to have cooked chicken on hand, and actually this link will show you how to easily make that happen) over pasta.
  • Enjoy!

*I would say that this feeds 4 people, so adjust accordingly (Robert and I do eat kind of a lot, though.)

24 February 2012

I'm Back!!!

YAY! I'm blogging again! It's been quite a while since my last post...and, a huge new part of my life is the one to blame...my sweet Maggie Grace Wauhop! Can you believe that she will be 4 months old in just a few weeks!?! I can't! But, at the same time, i feel like she has been a part of our fabulous little family forever! I've heard that's how motherhood is, though. And it is so wonderful. Seriously, the faces she makes, the "stories" she tells, she is just the sweetest girl this earth has ever seen and Robert and i are so in love with her!!

So, my plan so that I don't get too overwhelmed, but am still connected to the blogging world and the 3 people who read this (don't give up on me kristen!) is: 1. to share new and delicious recipes that i am trying (i told Robert that i'm going to make at least one new thing every week [thank you pintrest - making better wives and moms everywhere, haha!]) - that's the easy blog. 2. Maggie's Mom posts, aka things i love about being the cutest girl ever's mom! these should include pictures and milestones and maybe videos if i can ever figure out how to upload all of the adorable things that she does onto my ancient computer. and 3. just things that the Lord is teaching me, encouraging stuff, and updates on our life - seminary, graduating in May, future plans, etc?! So, with that being said, I do want to just share this link to an awesome sermon by our pastor JMac that was super encouraging as a stay-at-home mommy! It's so good to know that you are doing the Lord's will for your life and loving it! God is so kind to make our desires His desires and to give us such joy, peace, and grace! Thank you, Lord! And, please listen to this sermon if you get the chance :)